
发布时间: 2024-02-23 18:40:10 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 102




【 #英语资源# 导语】看完某一作品后,相信大家的收获肯定不少吧,何不写一篇观后感记录下呢?千万不能认为观后感随便应付就可以,以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  One summer day, my parents and I went to see the 3D version of Kung Fu Panda 3. The film mainly says that after becoming the "Dragon Warrior", Panda Po, together with his master and the five heroes of the world - Tiger, crane, mantis, snake and monkey, protects the tranquility of the valley.

  It turned out that people in the valley lived a peaceful and happy life, but the good times didn't last long. Suddenly one day, a villain, peacock, came. He invented a very terrible weapon, a weapon enough to destroy Kung Fu. He took this weapon and was ready to take the valley for himself. Po knew about this, so he and the five heroes did their best to destroy the super weapon. During this period, Po overcame his impetuous psychology and finally defeated the peacock.

  At the end of the film, I saw that although Po knew his life experience and that he was not the duck father's own son, but just picked it up, he did not look for his own father, but chose to stay with the duck father to repay the duck father for his upbringing.

  After watching the film, I learned that only when a person's heart calms down, can he eliminate distractions and burst out with great power; In the face of setbacks, don't be discouraged. Make persistent efforts. As long as you do it with your heart, you will be able to ascend the throne of success. These can be reflected in some small things. For example, if you calm down during the exam, you may be able to fully reflect the knowledge you have learned at ordinary times. When you really encounter setbacks, don't lose heart and continue to work hard. In this way, you will make progress in your study. For me, such an example can also be used in my basketball game. When you fall behind your opponent, don't be discouraged and anxious. Only when you calm down, concentrate and try to score every ball, can you play your best level and win. If these are used in life and even in the future society, they can also open up their own world.

  And I also see that self-confidence is what people need most. Without self-confidence, life is like a desolate castle without vitality, like a backwater. Self confidence is the cornerstone of success in life.


  After watching the movie Kung Fu Panda 3, I felt very moved. The story is that a panda named Po found his father. Tiansha has defeated the tortoise and returned to their village. The master said, "only a real Qigong master can defeat Tiansha." Bao's father said: "pandas can Qigong. Son, you must go back with me to be a real panda before you can learn Qigong."

  So he went to the mysterious Panda Village with his father. The master asked the mantis and the crane to explore the way. They met several masters on the way. But on the way, they met Tiansha, who defeated them all and turned their Qi into their own power.

  Tiansha came to the jade palace and defeated all the masters of spirit snake and a Bao. Only Jiao Hu escaped. Jiao Hu came to the mysterious Panda Village and told Po about it. Po was very worried when he knew that Tiansha was going to kill Panda Village. He suddenly thought of what the master said. You don't need to be others, you just need to be yourself. He asked, "what are you best at?" some said kicking shuttlecock, others said rolling

  Tiansha is coming. Everyone uses what they are best at to deal with the jade legion of Tiansha. Po went to use his unique skill to deal with Tiansha, but it didn't work. Tiansha said, "this trick against mortals doesn't work for me!" Po thought, "maybe I can take him away." so Po hugged Tiansha's waist and used his unique skill to himself. In this way, Po brought Tiansha to another world. Tiansha began to take away Bao's Qi. At this time, the panda family saved Bao with Qigong. Po turned into a golden dragon and wiped out the Tiansha. Several masters also recovered. Po met master tortoise, and master tortoise sent Po back to his original world.


  Today I watched Kung Fu Panda. The hero of the film is an ordinary panda. It mainly means that the panda, through his own confidence, the trust of the raccoon master, practiced Kung Fu diligently and assiduously, did not give up easily in case of difficulties, and finally trained a good Kung Fu to defeat taro. The film praises the panda's spirit of self-confidence, hard work and hard work.

  The picture that impressed me most in this film was that master raccoon found that the panda would achieve what it could not have achieved as long as it had food in the kitchen. The raccoon master used food to guide him to learn kung fu. I was particularly impressed by this picture. I deeply appreciate the good intentions of master raccoon. Master, it stimulates the panda's interest in learning kung fu by attracting food to learn kung fu. The panda also knows that this is to arouse his interest in learning kung fu, but he did not give up, but insisted on learning more diligently and assiduously. Panda's indomitable fighting spirit will always remain in my heart. At the same time, I also think of my own experience from the spirit of panda.

  It was a winter vacation. My mother thought I was lack of diary writing, so she asked me to write a diary every day. After listening, I was very reluctant. Every time I spoke a few words, I didn't have the following text. Finally, I completely gave up writing a diary. Now I think of it, I'm a little ashamed, which can't be compared with the protagonist of Kung Fu Panda. If I can stick to it like this, then my composition must have made more progress now! What kung fu panda can do, why can't I do it? Since then, I have to stick to everything in the end. I can't give up halfway.


功夫熊猫 Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most si-mp-le and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves. More do not want to repeat the story, because it really well. Look at the process, appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh, the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go. This film has done very authentic, a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling, no matter which story or convey the moods, whether the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern, such as, for example ok 中文意思 还是一贯的梦工场的高水准,画面精致细腻,人物生动传神,故事情节曲折动人,最重要的是它以最简单易解的方式说明白了一个道理,那就是——世界上没有任何捷径和秘籍,唯一的制胜法门就是相信自己。 不想再说更多的剧情,因为它真的`很出色。看的过程中,频频出现人们会意的笑声,整个氛围相当的轻松和惬意。这个片子做得非常地道,一点儿也没有是由西方人演绎的感觉,不论是故事还是其中传达的意境,不论是画面还是其中的细节,都是东方式的;唯一特别的可能就是出现的现代的口语,比如ok之类的。

名:Kung Fu Panda

This film tells us a story about how a common panda becomes a real dragon warrior.

At the beginning,the Master Shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior.

Through the panda's persistence,he win Master Shifu's acceptance.

Master Shifu tries his best to train the panda into a real warrior according to Master Wugu's instruction.

Finally,the panda succeeded in beating their biggest enemy -----the tiger.

This movie tells us that:every difficulty can be overcome as long as you tried your utmost persistently.







Kung Fu Panda is the story of Po,a sweet, but clumsy Panda who has dreams of fighting with the legendary Furious Five and protecting the city against all threats. The only problem is that Po has no real life experience of kung fu, and his real job is serving noodles at his dad's noodles shop. News of selecting the Dragon Warrior is sent out from the Jade Temple, and the whole city along with Po, go to the celebration. The competition is between the Furious Five: Tigre,Viper ,Crane ,Monkey , and Mantis .Po accidentally enters the contest and is named the Dragon Warrior. Master Shifu must find a way to train Po and make him a Kung Fu Master, especially, after they learn that the snow leopard, Tai Lung ,is headed their way...

It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.


  r the dream factory has always been the high standard,the screen exquisite detail,vivid characters vivid,touching story twists and turns,the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token,that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats,the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.
More do not want to repeat the story,because it really well.Look at the process,appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh,the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go.This film has done very authentic,a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling,no matter which story or convey the moods,whether the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern,such as,for example ok



When I first saw Paul, I was thinking that it is just a big and fat panda. There won't be any hopes for him to become the "dragon warrior".


But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of him. Then, the hard training started by Paul.


I thought that his goal is very simple, to get food to eat, and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragon warrior.


I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a firm goal, he will try to get it no matter what dangers lie in front of him. That's the part that I like him the most.


本文标题: 功夫熊猫三英语读后感简版(功夫熊猫3英语观后感作文)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/363826.html



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    《寂寞》读后感(有关【寂寞】冰心 读后感)英雄故事读后感200字左右(《英雄故事》读后感)